Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Busy Summer...

So, once again I am behind on this blogging thing... Are we surprised?  I guess I just don't feel like I have something to share every week and then I forget to share the big things. That being said, I'll just jump in with the big news.  It's a girl!!

For months we weren't going to find out. We were just so thrilled it was a baby it really didn't matter if if was a girl or boy... but I woke up one morning and I just had to know. We visited the Baby Belly Spa (which I highly recommend to any pregos in the Lexington area) one Saturday afternoon and confirmed Steve's suspicions that it was a girl. I was in shock for the first few hours after, because I was convinced it was a boy.  But after the initial shock I am thrilled the we'll be welcoming a little miss into our family in December. 

The belly is actually starting to show and I'm actually starting to feel pregnant, which I guess is not something to complain about. Here's a couple pictures to catch you up and keep an eye out for more.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

And... It's Facebook Official!

No real news to share other than the bump is starting to show, so we decided to go ahead and announce baby Bean impending arrival on Facebook. We used a cute picture of Woody "reading" What to Expect When You're Expecting... It seemed to be a big hit!  Who knew we had so many friends!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Houston, We Have A Heart Beat

We had our first (10 week) appointment with the regular OB on Friday and it was amazing! First of all because it is the first visit Steve has been able to make it too... He's in awe of the little bean and second because we finally got to hear the heartbeat! Even now thinking about it I tear-up. It's just so amazing to think only a few weeks ago it was a blastocyst and now it's a little human just hanging out in there. 

The heart rate is currently at 168, which according to old wives tales that means it s a girl. But we're still 50/50 on its gender, several other wives tales (no morning sickness) it's a boy. We can actually find out at 16 weeks what the gender is, but we haven't decided yet if we are going to.... Maybe we'll decide by next week. Here's our 10 and 11 week pictures.

Bean at 10 Weeks 5 Days
(it's waving hi!)

Me at 11 Weeks
(little, bitty bump starting to show)


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I know it's been quite a long time since our last post, but I'm just going to jump right in there with this one... WE ARE FINALLY PREGNANT!  That's right, after 3 failed IUI's and one failed IVF transfer our little frozen embryo was the one that stuck!  We are beyond excited and so far have gotten to see our little Bean every two weeks... Once at 6 weeks and once at 8 weeks. We are currently 9 weeks and 3 days.

Here's our 8 week ultrasound picture!

We have another ultrasound on May 31st and we'll be almost 11 weeks by then. I promise more regular and HAPPY updated from this point on.