Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Plan B... Part II

As some of you may already know we got some shocking (and when I say shocking I mean Steve dealt with it calmly and rationally, I cried.)  news a few weeks back.  I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, which basically means my hormones are goofy and getting prego is going to be a little more strategic than we had originally thought.

Seriously it's not as scary as it sounds and surprising common - depending on what you read - one in ten to one and fifteen women suffer from this.  The shocking part - I'm not the ideal candidate and honestly it sucks to learn that there's anything "wrong" with your body.  But according to the doctor it's a mild case and we've worked out a plan to help us bring our little bundle of joy into the world.

So sorry for the melo-dramatics a few weeks ago... But I do ask that you keep us in your prayers.

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